Monday, December 14, 2009

IT techies: a rant, and possible solution an idea from the latest Dilbert cartoon

For the non-techies:
<rant> People sometimes come to the IT department and ask if you can fix this or help with that, y'know, personal stuff on work time?
In fact, because we've managed to work out how to exist outside of normal space-time, we can do an infinite number of things per day, and no-one will be the wiser. And we also know everything about every piece of downloadable crapware on that intertubewebby-thing because (since we're able to stop time, an' all) we're able to scan the entire interweb, twice, on a weekly basis. People seem to think our time isn't as valuable as anyone else's. </rant>

Well, check out the solution that Wally comes up with:

An economist would certainly see this as an example of an efficient solution. Trading time for knowledge at a cost.

Or is it holding knowledge hostage for a ransom?

Posted via email from John's posterous

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